Allogory of a Cave

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Topic: In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" from his Republic, the vivid imagery of escaping the slavery of our shackled understanding of the world is quite pronounced. Do you agree that escaping the cave is to be desired? What can or should you do to pull yourself or those around you from the cave? The Cave in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” represents the world that we live in as we See it and believe it to be in our own reality. Plato uses the description of “Darkness” to possibly imply there are false realities that we each have and uses “sunlight” to stand for being enlightened by the “new world”, which is what the released prisoner was to experience. The “cave” is referred to as the “little world” that they are living in. I feel as if it is just a small part of the world that they know V/S the Larger world they should explore They are not free because they don’t know what experiences is outside the cave. They have been sheltered and not allowed to see for themselves what life can really be. The “shackles” are like a symbol of how they all have this same way of living and thinking. Each of them have been tied together in this world of not knowing the life outside of the “cave”. The thought often scares those without the ability to understand that reality is what one may make of it when embracing the situations you may encounter daily. (The Republic) Yes, I do believe it is important for people to escape “the Cave”. According Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" The chained man was suddenly released from his bondage and let out into the world. He continues to describe how some people would immediately be frightened and would want to return to the cave and its familiarity. Others would look at the sun and finally begin to see the world as it truly is. Freedom often scares those that have been chained for so long. Their reality has become distorted and they often cling
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