This antiquated attitude presents a miriade of challenges for our aging nation as they find themselves combating the socially accepted behavior of devalued steroetyping. In instances of agism the actions of the older individuals are misinterpreted and blamed on the idea that an
This will also increase the amount of people that are retired from 12 percent of the United States population to almost 20 percent. With the rise of the aging population there is a need for more professional health and social service expertise. According to the Institute of Medicine’s landmark report, the is a shortage of health care professionals to care for the aging population in the current time and this number will grow faster as the Baby Boomers retire. One of the fastest growing employment sectors would be the eldercare. .
Over the last 100 years, the expectancy of life has increased and the overall goal is to live a long and healthy life. Some social scientists have predicted that the western population have a possible life span within the range of 85-100years. Others have suggested that with medical advances humans can be expected to live beyond these ages. The longest-lived human on record was 122 years 5 months and 14 days (Whitney; 1997). Over the last century, there has been a decline in premature deaths throughout developed countries (Alder et al, 2009).
In recent years, the diagnoses of STDs in older adults have sky rocketed. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reportings of syphilis and chlamydia among those 55 and over has risen 43% between 2005 and 2009. Recent CDC statistics have also shown that the number of newly diagnosed Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections is increasing faster in older adults than in people 40 and under. Karlovsky, Lebed & Mydlo (2004) believe that HIV and AIDs data may underestimate the incidence and prevalence of such diseases due to the fact that previous research excluded participants from the elderly population. However, according to Hillman (2008) approximately 12% to 20% of new cases of HIV and AIDs occur among men and women 65 and over.
Aging Population In the United States many senior citizens are living longer. The change of growth in the senior population of America is ranked on of the most important demographic developments in today’s century and will continue into the centuries to come. In the United States, proportions aged 65 is projected to increase from 12.4% in year 2000 to 19.6% in year 2030. (MMWR, 2003) According to the article, why population aging matters, the population aging is driven by declines in infertility and improvements in health and longevity. We will soon have more elderly then children in the United States.
What is ageism? Ageism is discrimination or being prejudice toward someone because of their age. There is a stereotype and discrimination that exist against old people just as it exist with skin color. Older people have been classified as having old beliefs, abilities and are considered to be senile. This
Men that have low socioeconomic status tend to have lower levels of health information, which can be due to their lack of education. This affects them negatively because they will not be given the necessary medical attention that they might need in order to deal with whatever symptoms they have. These lower levels of health information and individuals that already dealing with a significant level of stress tend to not seek prevention and management of disease a priority in their life, but when they due the extreme level of stress has to shown to reduce the efficacy of many pharmacological agent (Williams 2008). Whereas men with high socioeconomic status seem more aware of things that they are able to do to
These two conditions constitute the vast majority of cases, and although their symptoms can sometimes be managed, they are irreversible. Dementia associated with Altzheimers disease progressively worsens. In addition, symptoms of dementia vary depending on the cause, but it includes some common signs and symptoms such as loss of memory, difficulty in communicating, inability to learn or remember new information, difficulty with planning and organization. The signs of dementia can also include symptoms like difficulty with coordination and motor functions, changes in personality, inability to reason, inappropriate behavior, paranoia, agitation and hallucinations. It is important to know that, dementia affects each person differently, depending on the impact of the disease and the personality of the subject before beginning to suffer it.
If the funds have been set for that purpose, family members can divide the budget by doing the tasks themselves rather than hiring someone. When having the elder patient at the home makes it a lot easier to help with that person better or a daily basis and watch his action. It is more convenient than having to travel to another place to visit. There is a long waiting process that nursing home and other institutional settings are not getting the right treatment and they do not take care of the elder as good as the family members would. I lead to stress over the decision.
Meeting the Needs of the Aging Population The aging population of the people born between 1946 and1964 are what we call the Baby Boomers population. Within the next twenty years this population is expected to increase 79% in the number of people over the age of 65. (Shultz, 2010) Many people of this population are seniors who live by themselves and require a little help with their every day needs. These needs include help with a little house cleaning, grocery shopping, or just the need of remaining healthy. There are many who just cannot really get around like they would like.