Meeting the Needs of the Aging Population

441 Words2 Pages
Meeting the Needs of the Aging Population The aging population of the people born between 1946 and1964 are what we call the Baby Boomers population. Within the next twenty years this population is expected to increase 79% in the number of people over the age of 65. (Shultz, 2010) Many people of this population are seniors who live by themselves and require a little help with their every day needs. These needs include help with a little house cleaning, grocery shopping, or just the need of remaining healthy. There are many who just cannot really get around like they would like. The aging populations that live by themselves have family members who live apart in different towns or cities. By these family members living away, the aging population must find ways to comfortably live their lives. Local services have been located that will help these senior members get the assistant they need. This will include help with picking up medications, transportation to and from doctor visits, paying bills, or even grocery shopping. Grocery shopping can be a very difficult task for the average person, so imagine how it could be for a senior citizen. There are certain grocery stores that will offer home delivery for the ones who can do the shopping, but need help with taking the grocery in the house. In certain towns transportation is provided to take the elderly to and from their doctor’s appointment. They will actually sit there until the appointment is over. This service is very good because it will help them be on time. It will not have them waiting a long time for a ride. This transportation will even help with personal needs such as paying bills or even help find suitable housing. To help with the change of the health care environment and the needs of the aging population, many physical therapists have team together to help certain communities stay healthy.

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