Advances Of Technology On Communication

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“Effects of Technology on Communication” Over the last few years, great strides have been made in finding ways to integrate technology into all aspects of society, with communication being one of them. People nowadays are lacking the ability to communicate because there using cell phones and computers and other technological gadgets instead of verbal communication. Technology has its benefits, but when you take a look at how it has affected society in general and how people interact with one another, you will quickly see that it has a negative impact. (According to Aydan Corkern) Modern technology has allowed people to communicate with just about anyone they want to at any given time and although this may sound like a good thing, the fact remains that people do not interact personally with one another as often as they used to. This has created a barrier in personable, face-to-face communication amongst people because they no longer have to hold a meeting in an office or they no longer have to call up a friend or family member to wish them a happy birthday or congratulate them on their recent success. (Corkern, 4) Secondly, communication has hurt society in a technological aspect because; (In a The Edutopia Poll), one individual states that, “When people communicate they are making connections, but they’re isolating themselves from a person to person interaction. Parents don't like how much time their kids’ text other kids. Well, their parents did not like the amount of time they used to spend talking on the phone. What is the difference? I do not see the difference. If teachers would use these technologies in the classroom and require students to write in complete sentences, use proper grammar, and correct spelling wouldn't it be a powerful medium?” (Aydan Corkern) states, as a result, people are becoming lazier, and they don't feel the dire need
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