Admetus And Alcestis

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Admetus and Alcestis It all started when Zeus, the king of all gods, got mad at the god of the sun, Apollo. Zeus got so mad at him that he sent him down to earth to work for king Admetus. The king was very nice and let Apollo. Which was easy for Apollo to do. One day the king came to Apollo and said today I am both happy and sad. Apollo was confused he didn't know how. Admetus could feel happy and sad. So King Admetus explained he said, "I am happy because I have fallen in love with a Princess named Alcestis". Then Apollo wondered why he was sad. I am sad said Admetus because I don't think I can marry her. Why would she not want to marry a King as good and powerful as you are. Her father won't let her marry a man unless he rides to her palace in a chariot drawn by lions and wild boars. Finally Admetus got to the palace in a chariot drawn by lion and wild boars. Alcestis's father told her that he was the man she was going to marry. They were so happy that they were married that night. After they were married they were so happy. Then one day Admetus got sick. Admetus was sick for a while when he found out he was dying. Apollo told Admetus that he could have someone die for him. So Admetus asked everyone if they would die for him, but no one would. Finally Alcetis burst into the room and said, "I will die for you. I could not go on living if you were to die." Admetus did not want her to die for him, but the god's had heard her and there was nothing they could do. Everyday Admetus got stronger as Alcestis go weaker. Finally Alcestis died. That day Hercules had come to the palace and asked to stay. When Hercules found out about Alcestis's death he had to do something, but he didn't know what. Finally he got it. He would go to her grave and fight death the dark one for Alcestis, and as soon as Admetus hugged her she would
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