Acute Health Essay

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Acute Health Assessment Task 1 Case Study Mrs Jones is a 78-year-old lady, who has arrived via the emergency department after falling at home and fracturing her hip. She is scheduled for surgery in the morning. Pathology indicated that her haemoglobin level was 9.7g/dL, and she has been prescribed a transfusion of 2 units of packed red blood cells (PRBC). Transfusion Rationale: Haemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Levels which are considered to be within normal limits for a female are between 11.5 to 16.5g/dL. Mrs Jones haemoglobin levels are considerably lower than specified and suggest that she may be suffering from Anemia. Given that the patient is preparing for surgery, the rationale behind her transfusion may be her Anemia. (Brown, D., & Edwards, H. 2008). Fluid resuscitation refers to the medical practice of replenishing body fluids lost via bleeding, sweating, etc. With the knowledge that the patient is scheduled for hip surgery, which is considered major surgery and a substantial loss of blood would be expected, the rationale may also include fluid resuscitation. The transfusion will improve oxygen carrying capacity during and after her surgery. “Fluid Resuscitation” The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library (2010). Observation requirements associated with commencing and monitoring Transfusions: It is imperative that the patient is prearranged for the transfusion prior to collecting the blood. To elaborate, the intravenous access and written order should have already been prepared. Any patient who is having a non-emergency transfusion administered should have had the benefits and risks of the procedure discussed with them and consent for the transfusion should be documented. “Monitoring and

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