According To Rod Blagojevich's When The Wind Blows?

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“When The Wind Blows” By: James Head In the wake of the earthquake off the shore of Japan that caused several Nuclear Reactors to fail, the need for safe, clean energy is becoming a hotter topic on the minds of many people throughout the world. So, why not use the wind? Advances in modern technology have enabled us over time to redesign windmills so that they can be used to generate clean energy, which in many cases can be wired directly into the power system that is already in place around the U.S. This is without a doubt a major plus considering that windmills are able to produce electricity without nuclear capabilities or the burning of Fossil Fuels that in turn release Co2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This being…show more content…
According to Rod Blagojevich, former governor of the state of Illinois, “Wind is the country’s fastest growing source of energy, and I would like to see Illinois generate 3,000 megawatts of electricity from the wind (equivalent to three nuclear power plants) by 2012,” (Manor, pg.# 2). As near-sighted as this goal and Blagojevich’s political career turned out to be, it was not feasible, but many wind specialist agree that this amount of energy and perhaps even more can be generated by wind turbines as soon as the year 2030. There are a few factors to consider when determining where to place a wind farm and they’re not something that can just be slammed together overnight. The cost of constructing an entire wind farm can run into the billions of dollars, and with the U.S. being in a state of financial crisis, finding the funding for such projects can be a substantial task in itself. Factoring the…show more content…
The nation is currently covered in power lines, but wind farms generally have to be placed in remote locations where the wind tends to blow more consistently. If these remote locations do not have adequate power grids an infrastructure of new lines must be installed to be able to harvest this energy from the farms, this having to be considered in the total cost of construction of each individual project tends to drive the cost up substantially. New power lines and transfer stations can cost in the millions depending on how many miles of line need to be run. Currently in Vermont, there is an ongoing debate between environmentalist and politicians as far as where to locate wind turbines as they try to advance in the use of renewable energy sources. “You want to save the environment by building renewable energy, but in Vermont the only viable places for turbines are high-elevation ridges,” says Lukas Snelling, director of communications for energize Vermont, (Hosansky, pg.#24). Not only will it be expensive to build these turbines, but it may be detrimental to the environment as

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