Abused And Missing Children Society

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Abused and Missing Children Society Sexual abuse is defined as acts of sexual assault and sexual exploitation of minors, involving a broad range of behaviors and may consist of many acts over a long period of time or a single incident. Sexual abuse is generally perpetrated by someone known to the child and often does not involve violence. Both boys and girls are victims of sexual abuse. The nature of sexual abuse, the shame of the child victim, and the possible involvement of trusted parents, stepparents, or other persons in a caretaker role makes it extremely difficult for children to come forward to report sexual abuse. Sexually abuse can include: Incest, Rape, Intercourse, Oral-genital contact, Fondling, Sexual propositions or enticement, Indecent exposure, Child pornography and/or Child pr Child abuse is widespread; an epidemic. Although untold numbers of abused kids are losing their innocence and being forced leaves their childhood well before their time, we forget that fact. Many of us don’t even realize it. The daily rigors of providing the necessities and a happy life for ourselves and families push painful thoughts of children of abuse to the far corners of our mind. What follows here are some hard to face facts. Many of which we never consider. According to Childwelfare.gov, a service of the Children’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, each week child protective services agencies across the USA receive more than 50,000 reports of child neglect or abuse. In 2003, there were reports involving 5.5 million children. It is startling that 906,000, almost one-million children, were found to have been the victim of abuse or neglect. The most astonishing fact is that nearly 1,500 children, 44-percent being one-year-old or younger, died in 2003, the victims of abuse or neglect. Certainly, the perpetrators of child abuse and neglect in
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