ADHD Personality Disorder

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Krista Rogers University of Phoenix The personality disorder of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often times a misunderstood condition. Due to there not being a specific medical exam for diagnosis of the disorder is often times a long, drawn out, and at times frustrating quest. Attention Deficit Disorder is a type of personality disorder that is typically diagnosed in children. A typical definition of ADHD is a condition in which sufferers have a hard time concentrating, sitting still for prolonged periods of time, find it hard to follow complicated directions, and sufferers have a very short attention span (Ashley, 2005). There are three classifications for ADHD. The…show more content…
Should parents medicate a child with ADHD? If so, what type of medication is best? Stimulants, or non-stimulants? What about side effects of the medication? These are just a few things that parents of children must consider, once they are told their child has ADHD. Treatment of the symptoms of ADHD may vary depending on the parents/caregivers personal philosophy, age of sufferer, and degree of symptom. Stimulants work to help the child stay on task, and are thought to work 70% to 80% of the time (WebMD, 2010). Some popular examples of stimulant medications are Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall XR (WebMD, 2010). Non-stimulants are used if the child does not respond well or at all to a stimulant medication. The first non-stimulant approved for use in children with ADHD, was introduced in 2003, and is known as Strattera (WebMD, 2005). Sometimes when considering the available options for the treatment of ADHD, parents are very uneasy on putting a younger child on a daily medicine. These parents may find that behavioral therapy, and diet restrictions are a better option. Behavioral therapy can be used in combination with medication, or the therapy can be used in place of medication (WebMD, 2010). This type of therapy works by directly correlating the "learned" good behavior with receiving a type of reward (WebMD, 2010). The second part of behavioral therapy (2010), "Negatively reinforcing bad behavior by allowing appropriate consequences to occur naturally"

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