A Separation (2011) – a Film by Asghar Farhadi

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As is the nature of us human beings, we find it very difficult to trust a person once again when the delicate relationship of trust is broken be it at any level. If we do not trust a person with small trivial matters then it goes without saying that we cannot put our faith in her or him when it comes to more important issues. The movie, I feel tries to highlight this ‘loss of faith’ among ourselves and others through the portrayal of various strained relationships, which seem to search for gratification in each other for all the wrong reasons. The main characters in the film the husband and wife undergoing a separation because of a mutual understanding that they are not fit for each other see relying on each other more than ever now because of a problem which threatens their family. When this problem becomes too difficult for either one of them to handle they begin to blame each other for their misfortunes but realize that they only have each other’s support to get through it and suddenly their differences don’t seem that important. Nader, the husband and Simin, the wife have been married for 14 years and live with their 11-year-old daughter Termeh in Tehran, Iran. The family belongs to the urban upper middle-class Simin wants to leave the country with her husband and daughter for a better future for them. But this desire is not shared by Nader as he is concerned for his elderly father, who lives with the family and suffers from Alzheimer's disease and has no one else to take care of him. When Nader tells his wife about his decision to stay in Iran, Simin pleads with him for their daughter’s sake but Nader is adamant about his decision which leads to a filing for divorce by her. But because of lack of enough reasons for separation the judge denies them divorce. All is fine till then and Simin moves out leaving Nader with his ailing father and daughter. Problems

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