Also, her lack of intelligence has left her with no job and an inability to get a job. In the story, there are many reasons contributing to Jean’s feeling of emptiness and difficulty in her life. To begin, her husband, Ross feels as though he has married beneath himself, and he does not love her anymore. Their marriage was most likely caused by Jean getting pregnant with their son, which made Ross feel like he had to marry her out of force. In the story, Ross specifically tells their son, Kevin that he should try not to marry beneath himself because he will end up stuck in the same situation as him.
Carl is often shifted to his Auntie Beryl’s house which she doesn’t treat him with respect or kindness. “Who would love you if your own mother doesn’t?” Therefore Carl has a very low self-esteem and he feels very abandoned and lonely. He also feels that his mother did not love him and that he is in her way of doing what she wants to do. He is a very sad, lonely and confused fifteen year old teenager. Slowly we see Carl standing up for himself and his brother Harley.
This racial language is disgusting and should not be said by a young boy, but it goes to show that Ben has inherited some of his mother’s racism. On the other hand Daisy is extremely hurt and distressed by Ben’s language towards her. Her innocent mind cannot comprehend why Ben would say such a thing, even if he was purely influenced by his mother. Mrs Preedy is very involved in her son’s life and prevents him from making his own decisions because of her racial views. She made it impossible for him to become friends with Daisy only because of her coloured skin tone.
However their union seems less like a marriage and more like the relationship one would see between parent and child. Like a parent, John is very controlling and patronizing in contrast with our main character, who is submissive and compliant like a child. Furthermore, John, although he is caring and loving, really doesn’t take his wife seriously. In this time period PPD was not discovered. So we see our main character and we feel her pain, we know she is suffering because she can feel within herself that something is not right.
They may not do it on purpose but whether they realize it or not, it can destroy their family. Fathers should not make their job too much of a priority because it upsets and affects the female parent, a father’s presence helps children’s development, and it can be bad for the fathers health. The biggest problem mothers have with overworked fathers is the lack of attention showed to the child by the father. “We have a one year old who misses his daddy as much as I do.” ( This was written by a female parent on healthboards website.
Putting adults aside, even the little children don’t care about women. Martins’ little boy Bobby doesn’t obey his mother’s words but when his father calls him sharply, he obeys his father’s words because unlike his father, mother is not an authority for him. Women also see themselves as weakest part of the society. Sacrificing a woman is given by the author as a symbol of the patriarchy. Another clue which is given by the
Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: Although Jules loves Baby, he is not mature enough to know his duty and responsibility toward his child. Thus he fails to act like a parent. Consequently, Baby is obliged to undertake the role of the parent towards herself and also Jules. Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence: Since Jules fails to be a responsible parent, Baby tries to find parent substitutes who are all unsuitable and then she ends up with parenting herself, which eventually leads her life to crack up; because she is still too young and innocent to be able to make good decisions about her life. Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence: Finally Jules finds a sense of responsibility toward his child.
It can be argued that I’m The King Of The Castle is a novel about the need for communication between people because the lack of communication and understanding between Kingshaw and his mother create issues or prevent problems from being solved. Mrs. Kingshaw ‘s lack of effort in communicating with Kingshaw exacerbates the struggle that Kingshaw is going through, as on top of the torment he is receiving from Hooper, Kingshaw feels that he cannot even turn to his mother for help or comfort. Kingshaw also is subject to Hooper’s schemes because Hooper knows that Kingshaw does not have a good relationship with his mother, and that he could do anything to Kingshaw without being punished or make up lies about Kingshaw and know that Mrs. Kingshaw and Mr. Hooper would side with Hooper. Mrs. Kingshaw does not understand Kingshaw’s character, as she would know that Kingshaw did not do the things that Hooper accused him if doing if she knew what his personality was. Mr. Hooper also does not understand Edmund, and does not see his malevolent, manipulative ways.
Families depend on love to maintain the peace within the house. A family filled with hatred doesn’t allow the kids to see beyond the situation at home and make their home situation a representation of what the world is going to be like. Just as in the book, Charlie’s mother was unhappy with the flaws of her son and would not allow herself to love him. He grew up with the thought that he was not worth anything and always tried to prove himself. People with love around them tend to lead happier, more successful lives.
She doesn’t think much of herself. She doesn’t like the fact that she’s pregnant. The child’s father called her a trashy whore. She looked at herself that way too since the view of the child at the scanning made her feel like she wasn’t a trashy whore. She is well aware of the fact that she hasn’t done anything with her life, and that her dreams will not come true.