A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nordic Exposure By A. Gill

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Nordic Exposure Nordic Exposure is an article written by A. A. Gill. Scandinavia experiences a huge amount of success at the moment. Our furnishing and style is very popular throughout the world, our books are being read, our television shows are purchased by big foreign companies, and we have even “survived” the global recession. In this article A. A. Gill tries to illuminate and comment on the downside to Scandinavian moment as he calls it. He starts by listing all the good things about Scandinavia in a very sarcastic way. The talks about a painting called, The Scream, which sold for $120 million and became the face of the North: “...became the ghostly face of the Scandinavian invasion blowing out of the North.” And then refers to the time where the brutal Vikings ruled over the North as a complete contrast to the Scandinavian people today. He then lists some other things like: “open marriages, Abba, Legos, Swedish fish, cell phones, and Volvos.” Which are supposed to symbolise some of the things the Scandinavians have popped up with since their savage nature changed. Then…show more content…
A. Gill uses is a bit difficult. The words he uses is pretty complex, but otherwise very informal. As the examples above shows, A. A. Gill uses a lot of metaphors and symbols. It’s therefore a very figurative language he writes in. That sort of language is very suitable for the meaning of the article. A. A. Gill also uses very long sentences. For example this sentence: “The only thing that has ever reverted is home furnishing, thanks to Ikea, which has somehow succeeded by reversing comfort evolution, taking us back to the Dark Ages with its hard, disapproving chairs, as 25 if sitting were a perversion or a sin, while forcing us to build it ourselves.” This is a whole 3 lines long. These long sentences’ holds a lot of information between only two dots. A very good way to compress a single metaphor ore symbol into one sentence, instead of spreading it over a whole

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