A Major Moment That Changed the Course of Your Life Forever.

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A major moment that changed the course of your life forever. I choose to write about “A major moment that changed the course of your life forever”. Years ago, when I was growing up, I lived a difficult life as a child. Growing up in a home with an alcoholic parent was the biggest and toughest test in my life. I recall being 5 years old when I was sleeping with my older brother and my father came home drunk and out of his mind, arguing and fighting with my mother. He didn’t need a reason to be mad, he just had to leave and have a few drinks to set him off. My mother went to our room, woke us up and took us out of the house; my father went into a rampage and started breaking mirrors and throwing stuff on the walls. It is a few years later, when I realized that we didn’t had to go through all that. As the years kept going by, my father had moments of sobriety and converted to Christianity; however, it was a vicious circle. I was a teenager, and to me it was very embarrassing going to school and seeing my dad walking drunk around the school area. There was a time when a friend of the family went home to tell my mom that my dad had fallen asleep in a corner of a sidewalk between a car that was parked. My mother had told me to go running and wake him up, since I was younger and faster. So I ran and saw him there… to my surprise, the moment I went to wake him up, there was a man in the car getting ready to take off; as he saw me helping my father he couldn’t believe how he didn’t realize that there was someone laying there and he could’ve ran over him. This man thanked me for not only saving my father’s life, but his as well. My father never thanked me, he didn’t even realized his life was in danger. I’m the second out of 2 brothers and a sister. We all been through this drama; some more than others. My older brother left when he was 18, he joined the

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