A Dolls House Timeline Summary

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Nora Helmer Timeline and Summary • Nora brings home lots of Christmas presents. • She reveals her secret to Mrs. Linde. • She plays hide-and-go-seek with her kids. • Nora is blackmailed by Krogstad, so she begs Torvald to let Krogstad keep his job. • She flirts with Dr. Rank in the hopes of borrowing money. • Nora decides against borrowing from Rank, when he reveals that he is dying and is in love with her. • She is confronted again by Krogstad, who leaves a revealing letter in the mailbox. • She gets Christine to go and talk to Krogstad on her behalf. • Nora dances the tarantella to distract Torvald from the mail. • She rejects Torvald's drunken advances after the party. • Nora says goodbye to dying Dr. Rank. • She finally allows Torvald to read his mail. • Nora confronts Torvald about the demeaning way he treats her. • She decides to desert her family to go on a quest of personal enlightenment. • Nora slams the heck out of a door. Torvald Helmer Timeline and Summary • Torvald fusses at Nora for spending too much money. • He hangs out with Dr. Rank. • He meets with Krogstad, presumably about firing him. • Torvald gives Mrs. Linde Krogstad's job. • He refuses Nora's request for Krogstad to keep his job. • He sends Krogstad his notice. • He advises Nora on the proper way to dance the tarantella. • Torvald comes on to Nora after the Stenborgs' party. • He briefly laments Rank's death. • Reads Krogstad's blackmail letter. • He flips out on Nora. • Torvald reads Krogstad's retraction and "graciously" forgives Nora. • He tries desperately to get Nora to stay with him. • Torvald seems to have a last moment revelation, just before the door slams. Nils Krogstad Timeline and Summary • Krogstad as a meeting with Torvald, where he's told he'll most likely be fired. • He blackmails Nora to get her to talk to Torvald on his behalf. • Krogstad
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