A Discussion of Why You Think an Understanding of Learning Styles Is Useful to the Student Nurse.Docx

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A discussion of why you think an understanding of learning styles is useful to the student nurse. Introduction This essay discusses the imports of understanding learning style to student nurse, how to improve on a weak learning style and a discussion of the authors learning style. Academic success is attained through well structured/planned teaching method whereby student’s learning styles are not infringed by educators, and learning materials are presented in such ways that suit student’s individual preferences. When students understand their learning style, teaching and learning becomes an exchange of action, whereby the teacher passes knowledge as expected while the student absorb and utilizes the knowledge using their individual’s learning approach. In this sense, academic success and performance will benefit and promote the students, the teachers/educators, and also the educational system. Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge through practice and experiences. Just as students differ, so does the way they learn. Some students learn by action or doing, some learn by observing, some learn by studying, while some learn by practice. Honey and Mumford identified these as ‘activists’, ‘reflectors’, ‘theorists’ and ‘pragmatists’. The individual’s ability to understand, process, conceptualize ideas and gain knowledge using specific approach or method is referred to as learning style. In order words, learning styles are various approaches students absorb and retain information. Different theorists, and proponents of learning styles, have given various definitions and meanings to learning style. Berings, Poell, Simons, & Van Veldhoven (2007) defined learning styles as “people’s personal tendencies in their use of learning strategies”. Honey & Mumford (1992, cited in Rassool & Rawaf, 2007) defined learning style as “a description of the

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