A Day to Remember

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Essay#1 An Event That Caused Me Great Pride Do you remember the day you graduated from high school? Do you remember the feeling that aroused from within you at that very moment? Pride: pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself. Like many of us who graduated from high school there was a sense of pride that aroused from within us. The day I graduated from high school was probably the happiest day of my life because I was proud to be a high school graduate, proud to make my parents happy and proud to make my teachers happy. Being a high school graduate brought me so much pride than I ever had before. I felt like I had done one of the biggest accomplishments as a teenager. It felt great being able to set an example for my younger siblings and letting them know that they can do anything that they put their mind to regardless of peer pressure and other obstacles that may occur along the way. When I graduated I felt like everything was now possible, I had crossed the first step in bringing my dream closer to reality. Even though graduating from high school was the ending of an old chapter, it gave me a sense of hope in beginning a new chapter. Being able to end an old chapter and beginning a new chapter, which is getting into and graduating from college, will take me to my final destination. Making my parents proud brought much more pride into me than making myself proud. Letting my parents down is one of my greatest fear in life. Seeing the joy and smile that engulfed their faces that very moment at the graduating ceremony gave me this warm feeling that told that I had made them the proudest parents in the world. I felt like all their time devoted into getting me the best education there was did not go in vain but I instead
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