A Christmas Carol Essay

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A CHRISTMAS CAROL STUDY GUIDE Zac Hogan INTRODUCTION A Christmas Carol is a ‘novella’ (short novel) designed to inspire charity and goodwill in people’s hearts at a time of great hardship for the poor in Victorian England and to reinvigorate the traditions involved in the celebration of Christmas. It was written as a modern-day fairy tale or ghost story that cautions the reader about the damage that meanness can do to the human heart, but it also contains messages of hope – that it is never too late to change, to reach out and help others. It blends many ‘genres’ or types of writing; it is sentimental and melodramatic and it draws on fables, fairy tales, ghost stories, morality tales and Christmas traditions to create its storyline and effects. But lets dive more deeply into the parts that make up the story GENRE This is the kind of story that is being told i.e. fiction or science fiction. Fiction is created from the imagination. Whilst A Christmas Carol does not fit neatly into a specific genre (as mentioned above) it is however widely regarded as a Morality Tale. However, because of aspects of its literary style, it may also be regarded as Gothic Fiction as it contains elements of mystery, the supernatural death and decay. TITLE A novel’s title can often be revealing for what it tells about itself. It may give direct and/or indirect indications of genre, and also some aspects of plot, characters and/or themes. Dickens chose the title as an indication that the novel was about themes concerning Christmas and its wider context. AUDIENCE A writer will have a target audience in mind when he or she writes. These are the people whom they are writing for and who share an interest in the genre or themes that are addressed. Genre can often be useful to help determine who the audience may be. This novel was written and published at a time when there was much
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