A Biblical Perspective On Marriage And Divorce

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A Biblical Perspective on Marriage and Divorce Luis Gallardo Rev. Roger Minassian SOC 355 A Biblical Perspective on Marriage and Divorce In the New Testament, we find various teachings and instructions on marriage and divorce, specifically in Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:3-10, Mark 10:1-12, and Romans 7:1-3. The reoccurring message is that marriage is a sacred institution with divorce not being an option. Only through the death of a spouse can a person remarry without committing adultery. Furthermore, if a person marries someone that is divorced he or she is guilty of adultery. Marriage is intended to be a fulfilling bond between a man and a woman. The bible speaks in many places how it is very good for a man to have a wife, or for a wife to have a husband. God understands how a loving bond between two people can be very fulfilling & rewarding. Not only is a marriage fulfilling, but also it is sacred in God’s eyes, and God makes it very clear that He expects a marriage to last for as long as they both live. Today, many people see marriage as nothing more than dating or as a simple game you can end whenever they see fit. When they get bored with their spouse, they want a divorce so they can go and get a new spouse. The need for instant gratification overwhelms people into believe that the “grass is always greener on the other side”. Hollywood, further adds to the problem because celebrities seem to do this on a continuous basis by playing musical chairs with their partners. The first time a problem pops up in a marriage; divorce seems to be the most popular option for today instead of having the mentality that divorce is not an option. This is terrible, as divorce should never be an option between couples, except in the case of marital unfaithfulness or other terrible sin such as extreme abuse. The purpose of marriage goes far beyond happiness,
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