Strain Theory Essay

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Strain theory is as sociologic theory that tries to explain why people commit crimes. It explains the likely hood of delinquency in two parts one is the addition of strain in a persons life and the second portion is the persons coping mechanisms to combat the strain that they experience. Another large part of strain theory explains how people measure the positive and negative things that will happen whenever they commit any crime or delinquent act. We know that juveniles are involved in more crime than adults and we can also use strain theory to help explain why this is happening. Being a juvenile comes with many different strains that most adults do not have to face as well as having far less consequence in many cases is they do something wrong or make a mistake. Strains that that a juvenile goes through can sometimes lead to delinquency whether it is the pressures of fitting in or the problems at home all these factors can lead to delinquent behavior. Strain theory has two types of strain a person will encounter the first is the actual or anticipated failure to achieve a goal and in a juveniles life that could be anything from a good grade on a test to a not getting into a particular college. The second type of strain is actual or anticipated loss of positive stimuli or presentation of negative stimuli which in a juvenile’s life could be loss of a loved one or a presents of an abusive parent. A juvenile would be more likely to commit a delinquent act or crime because many of these factors in the strain are things that they can not control or get away from, if an adult is a bad relationship they have the option to leave and get away from that person but a juvenile doesn’t always have that option many times they are forced to stay in places and deal with whatever the strain is and this causes an excess of strain which in turn causes delinquent behavior. Also being
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