Research Paper

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Davin Thomas CJ 560 2/4/13 Assignment 3 1. Describe police discretion and the factors that influence discretion. 2. Summarize how police process juveniles. 3. Outline the development of gangs in the United States. 4. Describe the types and activities of gangs. 5. Summarize efforts to prevent and control gangs. 6. Describe the movement toward the deinstitutionalization of status offenses. 7. Describe pretrial procedures and decisions of the juvenile court. 8. Describe the intake process and the role of the intake officer. 9. Summarize the legal and extralegal factors that affect the intake process. 10. Explain plea bargaining 1. Police discretion is used for minor offenses such as traffic incidents or public urination. In these situations, the officer has a choice to fine/arrest the offender, or give them a written or verbal warning. There are multiple factors that can affect a police officer's discretion during a given incident. A suspect who is unruly, uncooperative or disrespectful is much more likely to be arrested than one who cooperates with the police officer. Individuals who show remorse for their actions and respect the officer's authority have more of a chance of getting only a warning. 2. A suspect who is unruly, uncooperative or disrespectful is much more likely to be arrested than one who cooperates with the police officer. Individuals who show remorse for their actions and respect the officer's authority have more of a chance of getting only a warning. Studies have been done and found that demeanor was the most important factor in police discretion with juvenile offenders. 3. The number of previous police contacts or convictions may heavily weigh in on the officer's decisions when dealing with a suspect, according to the Canadian Department of Justice. Multiple studies
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