304 Person Centred Approach

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nvq 3 304 person centred approach305 Understand person-centred approaches in adult care settings.
Task B reflective account.
We have been looking after JM for a number of years she came to live with us with early stage dementia as her husband BM could no longer care for her himself at home as he was suffering from heart disease and diabetes but he still regularly visited her as he lived a short distance away. Whilst in our care her dementia has deteriorated slowly but she would still recognise her husband and family when they came to visit. At all times her support plans where updated regularly about changes in her health conditions.
Her husband BM was admitted to us as a nursing case towards the end of last year as his health was deteriorating fast he still liked to see JM on a daily basis and although they had separate rooms they spent a lot of time together. His support plan was regularly updated.
Over the last few weeks JM was quickly deteriorating going of her food and refusing to take her medication staff spoke to BM and discussed how much information he would like to be told his family were also informed as he too was going downhill quickly.in JM support plan it was stated that no medical intervention was wanted and that she wanted to go as peacefully as possible, in her last few days she spent her final days in her room staff would constantly keep BM updated on her condition and would offer to take him up to visit her, on a few occasions he declined but as she deteriorated staff informed BM that they didn’t think she had very long left he chose to visit her, staff asked if he would like to spend time alone with his wife or if he would like a carer to stay with him, he chose to be alone but stated that he only wanted to spend half an hour with her and to say goodbye, her family were also informed of the situation and they also visited. JM passed away few

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