Spiritual Development Across a Lifespan

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Spiritual Development Across a Lifespan Developmental Psychology Spirituality doesn't require that we sacrifice the necessities of life, such as health, financial stability, happiness, love and fun. These are important to our psychological well being, without which we run on survival mode and wouldn't be able to dedicate the emotional energy that a spiritual life/study needs. We can compare human development with the achievement of virtuosity in a particular activity (for example making music, sport, handcrafts etc.). The basic rights of existence (the equal right of all beings to be on the earth, to develop and to carry out their tasks) must be so strongly internalized that in every situation we automatically act according to these rights without having to think about it. We refer to this ability in the following as awareness or consciousness. Spiritual growth means developing this ability further. Here are some conditions that foster spiritual growth throughout a lifespan (quoted directly from Thompson & Randall’s chapter 8): Respect for the ways that spiritual reflection changes with age and growth in thinking, judgment, and personality. This means that the ways that children interpret religious matters are accepted as suitable for their age. Opportunities to participate in religious observances are calibrated to a child’s capacities for understanding and involvement. This means that children and adolescents have roles that are meaningful to them and respected and recognized by adults within the community. There are opportunities for intergenerational involvement in religious activity, as well as activities that are oriented to the interests and needs of children alone. The growth and maintenance of relationships – particularly within the family – that inspire trust, security, and empathic human understanding. Respect for individuality in spiritual
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