The Shawshank Redemption

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Never Lose Hope ”The Shawshank Redemption” sends a message of hope and making the best out of the worst situations in life. It is a very important message, which is wrapped in several layers of happenings during the story. The movie starts with the trial of a banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), who is dragged to a point which totally changes his way in life and he ends up in jail. At the beginning, the story of the crisis he is faced with is briefly covered, and they come back to it later; but the whole point of the movie is to show how he deals with the problem, adjusts himself to his new life in prison, and plans for the future. It was 142 minutes and could be a little shorter if did not have some unnecessary segments. In the middle of the movie there are a few marginal stories that do not help the storyline, and they just help us know Andy’s personality better, and get familiar with the conditions of the prison. One of the downsides of the movie is the makeup. Actors barely age within the twenty-year timeframe. The main actor does not change that much in twenty years; the only difference is a little gray hair and some glasses. If we assume he was between thirty and thirty-five at the beginning of the movie, he would be more than fifty years old at the end; and the difference should have been significant. It is the same thing for the principle of the prison and most of the other prisoners. Also aging does not happen gradually (as it should), but it happens in one moment. The other important thing was the story, which did not seem realistic to me at all. At the end of the movie when we find out how everything happened, it leaves us with so many questions about how he has done everything so perfect and still could get away with it in the prison. The other major part of the movie is the character of “Red”. Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman) is the one who
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