1. Science Laboratory Safety Rules

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Science Laboratory Safety Rules 1. Enter/Work in the laboratory only when permitted by a teacher and in his/her presence 2. Place your bag, files, water bottle etc. neatly on the back benches 3. Ensure that you are properly attired e.g. secured clothing, long hair is tied 4. Keep your workbench neat and clean at all times 5. Check that the apparatus given are in safe working condition 6. Behave safely in the laboratory – listen to instructions and act accordingly 7. Report any accident in the laboratory to your teacher immediately 8. Ensure that the back door of the laboratory is unlocked and open 9. Remind pupils to place their bags with water bottles kept inside at back bench 10. Procedures concerning accident/fire, including: evacuation route locations/use of first-aid boxes and fire-fighting equipment 11. Alert pupils to specific lab safety rules pertaining to each practical session 12. Remind pupils to wear goggles when heating , pounding, transferring solutions 13. Ensure that gas taps and all electrical appliances are switched off When an alarm sounds, 1. Stop all activities immediately 2. Listen to the announcement through the PA system Teachers are to: 1. Make sure that all power, gas taps, utilities and equipment/machinery are switched off 2. Carry out a head count and prepare pupils for evacuation 3. Advise pupils to: evacuate when instructions are given move quickly in an orderly manner make use of the nearest safe exit points assemble at the field, unless instructed otherwise In the Home Economics Rooms 1. No practical work is to be carried out without the presence of a Home Economics teacher. 2. Every student and teacher should wear an apron during practical sessions. 3. Every student should use a scarf / headband / cap. Girls with long hair should have their hair plaited or tied to maintain personal hygiene and to
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