1.1 List the Aspects of Employment Covered by Law

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Rowena 1.1 List the aspects of employment covered by law Legislation regarding employment, is both many and varied and in some cases can be quite complex, although it does cover aspects such as, health and safety, pay, working hours and conditions equality, harassment and discrimination , redundancy and dismissal. For example * The right to time off for trade union duties and activities. * The right to paid time off to look for work if being made redundant. * The right to time off for study or training for 16 – 17 year olds. * The right to paid time off for antenatal care. * The right to paid maternity leave. * The right to paid paternity leave * The right to ask for flexible working to care for children or adult dependents. * The right to paid adoption leave. * The right to ask for flexible working. * The right to take unpaid parental leave for both women and men. * The right under Health and Safety law to work a maximum 48 hour working week. * The right under Health and Safety law to weekly and daily rest breaks. There are special rules for night workers. * The right not to be discriminated against. * The right to carry on working until you are at least 65. * The right to notice of dismissal. * The right to written reasons for dismissal. * The right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed. * The right to claim redundancy pay if made redundant. * The right not to suffer detriment or dismissal for ‘whistle blowing ‘on a matter of public concern at the workplace. * The right of a part time worker to the same contractual rights as a full time worker. * The right of a fixed term employee to the same contractual rights as a permanent
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