1.1 Explain The Issues Of Health And Social Care Of People With Disabilities

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disability n. 1) a condition which prevents one from performing all usual physical or mental functions. This usually means a permanent state, like blindness, but in some cases is temporary. In recent times society and the law have dictated that people with disabilities should be accommodated and encouraged to operate to their maximum potential and have the right to participate in societal and governmental activity without impediments. Hence, access by ramps, elevators, special parking places and other special arrangements have become required in many statutes. * mild — where a person has no difficulty with self care, mobility or communication, but uses aids or equipment; * moderate — where a person does not need assistance, but has difficulty with self care, mobility or communication; * severe — where a person sometimes needs assistance with self care, mobility or communication; and * profound — where a person is unable to perform self care, mobility and/or communication tasks, or always needs assistance. Community responsibility:…show more content…
These are things such as access ramps and other transport services for those who are in wheelchairs and are unable to move about as easily as others. The community would also need to be aware of other services they need to organise to help out other types of disabled. An example is Meals on Wheels, which is a service that delivers meals to the homes of elderly people and of younger people with disabilities. There are also those people who act as teacher aides who will go and attend classes that contain someone who ahs a disability and assist them when needed with their
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