1.07 Case Study Questions And Answers

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1. Respond: How did you feel about the fat man’s emotional breakdown at the end of the story? Explain. Because has been holding his feelings back for a while, 2. (a) Recall: What is the “bulky” woman wearing? (b) Connect: In what way does her clothing reflect her mental and emotional state? Black scarf, dark clothes, she’s in a sad mood. 3. (a) Recall: What message did the son send by “wire” to his parents? (b)Recall: What assurance had the parents received when their son joined the military? (c) Draw Conclusions: What is suggested about the nature of war when this promise is not kept? He has to go the front line, he had six months, and then found out he doesn’t. It was worse than they expected 4. (a) Recall: According to the
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