How Does Phillip Pullman Present The Character Of

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Victorian London 1872, a young girl of the age of 16 or so got out of a hansom cab and paid the driver. She goes by the name of Sally Lockheart. In the South China Sea, the Lavinia has sunk. And within the crew that drowned, was Captain Matthew Lockheart. When we first meet the character Sally Lockheart, Pullman describes Sally as “pale”. This can be seen in the quotation “she was slender and pale.” I feel that the word “pale” suggests that she may be sad or depressed as she is in mourning over her father. We also learn that Sally is “uncommonly pretty” and that she has “unusually brown eyes”. I think this makes her stick out from the crowd. We also learn that she is dressed in mourning. This can be seen in the quotation “and dressed in mourning with a black bonnet”. Another description presents that she is alone. Evidence for this can be seen when Pullman tells us “she was a person of sixteen or so-alone” the key word here is “alone” because this may mean that she that she is lonely or unwanted. Another reason presents that she is not like any other normal Victorian girl. This can be seen in the quotations “though her pony would not agree with the cossak procedure” and “her father had brought her a littler Belgian pistol…and taught her how to shoo.” I think that one of the key words in this is “Belgian” as it is describing where the gun had come from. The writer also focuses our attention on, “she was going to kill a man”. I think this I quite weird because p person of the age of sixteen isn’t really going to kill someone on purpose and this quotation make us want to read on as we want to find who is she going to kill and where is he going to kill him why his he going the kill him … the quotation “she was going to kill a man” links to the quotation “dressed in mourning” as she may be dressed in mourning because it’s the person she was killing is who she
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