Use and Develop System That Promote Communication

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1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within your job role ANSWER;- Effective communication can be hard work specially in the care home for elderly with dementia. If care workers do not have good communication skills, the effectiveness of their work will be reduced and things can go wrong. It is very important to develop effective communication to provide quality care and have positive relationships with residents. To support effective communication we need to: 1) Listen carefully- this involves more than just hearing what they say. You allow the person to talk and to explain by not interrupting. This help the speaker clarify what they are saying, makes them feel heard and it saves time by not asking him/her to repeat the information. 2) Be assertive- expressing and speaking what you think and feel and standing up for it while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others. Being assertive gives you the best chance of successfully delivering your message and earn respect from colleague and residents because you create honest relationships. It helps you to communicate better and also build self-confidence. 3) Use appropriate language- this means adjusting how you speak depending on who you are with and who is listening to you. Things that we said might not be understood by others because we use different types of language in different situations. Using different terminologies and different names to call someone can block effective communication. 4) Use the right tone of voice- talking to someone in a loud voice with a fixed tone will make the person you are talking to think that you are angry with them but if you speak calmly and quietly the other person will think you are being friendly and kind. So it is important to remember that it is not just what you say, but also the way you say it, that matters. 5) Speak at a steady space- speaking
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