Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults

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When communicating with CYPA (children, young people and adults), listening to them and showing an interest in what they are saying, is vital for them to feel that what they have to say is worthwhile. If when they are talking to you, you start talking to someone else or start doing something else, they will quickly lose interest and stop talking. This may make the child not want to come to you in future, as they will feel you don’t listen to them. Smiling and looking friendly, displaying open body language, will help CYPA feel more comfortable in approaching you. Appropriate eye contact should be made, which will reinforce your interest to the individual. Getting down to the child or young person’s level will make them feel more comfortable, as if you are towering above them it could be quite intimidating and make them feel uneasy. It is important to always use age appropriate language, so that the CYPA understands the words and phrases you are using. Slang words or phrases should be avoided, as you are a role model for them and should use English appropriately. Obviously no bad language should ever be use used around children and young people. It is vital to allow children and young people the opportunity to speak and it is important to make sure others are listening to them, also you need to make sure that each person has an equal chance to speak, and that no one talks all the time whilst others don't speak at all. Turn taking is a pivotal part of learning about effective communication. Encourage those who may not be as comfortable with talking, but never put the person on the spot and make them feel they have to. This could have a detrimental effect on the individuals confidence. It is a good idea to find out about the interests, likes and dislikes of the children or young people. This will allow you to plan lessons around these things, which will help

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