Unit Two Assignment: SMART Goals

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Unit Two Assignment Jasmine McCloud CS115 Jacalyn L. Peterson MS Ed November 1, 2013 Unit Two Assignment Watching the video about goals was an excellent educational tool that can, not only be used in school but in the professional world and in a persons day-to-day life. The overall objective of the video was centered on SMART goals. In the video examples were shown on how SMART goals can be beneficial to ones’ education experience, by an Academic Advisor and in ones’ personal life by a marathon runner The process of setting and pursing a goal can be very intimidating and discouraging if your goals are not meet. To set yourself up for success, you need to make your goals SMART. (“Academic Strategies”, 2011) A SMART goal is a goal that has the following characteristics: It is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Following the above stated characteristics make SMART goals easier to achieve because they are well…show more content…
At the start of my goal I committed to a short tem goal of saving $500 a month. This took my mind off the “big picture” and allowed me to focus on a less daunting goal. Every month that I reached my short-term goal I became more and more confident. I even had an intermediate goal and reward. The goal was to accomplish six consecutive months of my short-term goal; upon completion of my intermediate goal I gave myself a one-month break allowing me to “treat myself”. My goal had a time frame, it was specific, measurable, and based off my financial ability it was attainable. Goal setting techniques can be applied to all areas of your life. To set your goals up to be successful apply the five characteristic of a SMART goal, keep your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Doing this, will not only keep you motivated and committed, but will prepare you in accomplishing your
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