Unit 201 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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Outcome 1 Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings. The learner can. 1.1 identify different reasons why people communicate. Most human beings are sociable creatures, who like to communicate we also communicate for specific reasons such as fear, love, pain, anger, joy, to express knowledge or to give a warning of risk or danger. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings. The learner can. In my job I have to communicate with people all the time from my resident, family and friends, colleagues, and other working professionals. Its important that the information passed on is clear concise and accurate and informative this reduces the possibility of mistakes. 1.3 explain why it is important to observe individual’s reactions when communicating with them. Its important to view reactions as only 70-80% of commutation is verbal meaning if you don’t pay attention to facial and body reactions you could miss a lot. Outcome 2 understand how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual. The learner can. 2.1 explain why its important to find out an individuals communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. Not every one communicates in the same way and affects a wide range of factors such as sensory ability, language, cultural background, self-confidence, physical ability or level of learning ability you need to be able to offer support in the best way for them. Ask questions with the resident find out what they are comfortable with or ask family members, friends or anyone else who may visit them. 2.2 describe a range of communication methods. There are many types of services available for communication like action for the blind (www.actionforblindpeople.org.uk). I use my iphone as it has a translate app for one
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