Understanding the Causes of Infection

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Understanding the causes and spread of infection The differences are that bacteria are an organism which produces toxins which grow and then divide. Virus - are smaller than a cell. It can't reproduce outside the cell unlike bacteria, so they invade the cells and inject the genes into the nucleus and creates copies of itself Fungi - causes disease by absorbing nutrients, and producing toxins Bacteria, fungi and viruses are all separate entities and are completely different from each other. Parasites, however, can refer to a number of different things including bacteria, fungi and viruses. A parasite is any organism which lives inside a different organism in a symbiotic relationship in which only the parasite benefits from the symbiosis. This means that a parasite basically feeds off a host and the host suffers as a result of this. Parasites can be as small as viruses, or as big as metre-long tapeworms. The common illness and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are Pneumonia, Diarrhoea, Urinary infections, colds These are just a few of the common illness and the list can go on. what is meant by “infection” and “colonisation”? Infection is something that is picked up through bad hygiene Colonisation is where an infection enters the body and grows. An infection is the colonisation of a host of organisms that enter the body and multiply. A systemic infection is one that affects the whole body, probably travelling in lymph or blood. This is in contrast to a local infection which only affects the area where the infection entered. Localised infections means it develops only in one place on the body while systemic infections spread throughout the body by the bloodstream. Poor practice that may lead to the spread of infection • Not washing your hands, not wearing gloves and aprons, not storing
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