Understand the Role of the Social Worker. Understand Working Relationships in Social Care Settings

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Unit 206 Understand the role of the social worker. Understand working relationships in social care settings. 1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship. A working relationship is different from a personal relationship in a few ways, such as boundaries, you could ask someone in your personal life any number of questions, but a working relationship must be held as a professional one and thus boundaries must be put up, like not showing romantic interests or feelings around the home for example, which is considered unprofessional. You don’t share personal information as you would with friends; you have to meet the policies and procedures of the place of work, such as calling family members by their name instead of mum or dad, having no emotional attachment visible, and treat everyone with equality, regardless of your opinion. For example if you disliked someone in your work place, you cannot ignore them or refuse to work with them unless something violates the practice of the home. I guess anything that is not work related should be kept for uninterrupted breaks and for time outside of work. 1.2 Describe different working relationships in social care settings. There are many different roles within the social care setting and so that leads to many different working relationships. The working relationships can differ from colleague, manager, visiting doctor or nurse, senior and even taxi drivers and other public workers that as a support worker are easy to encounter, not to forget the service users and their family and friends. Every one of these roles have different working relationships and some are more formal than others, for example; though your relationship with other carers and support workers may be professional it tends to be much less formal that when dealing with a manager. Another example would be that the way
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