Types Of Crowd And Mass Behavior

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, YOUTH AND SPORT OF UKRAINE NTU “KhPI” Essay On the subject: “Social science” Topic: “Types of crowd and forms of mass behavior” Executed by: Student of group 39zh Shevchenko K. Checked by Shishkina E.K. Kharkov – 2011 Content Introduction 3 2 Mass Behavior 7 2.1 Definition of mass behavior 7 2.2 Main characteristics of mass behaviour 8 3 THE MAIN CROWDS’ CLASSIFICATIONS 12 4 THE BEHAVIOR OF PERSON IN A CROWD 14 Conclusion 16 Introduction All people are leaving in a society. And all of them are integral part of people’s masses, surrounding them. Each of them had faced the “crowd” at least once in one or another form. The crowd can be seen in public transport, on a public celebration, in demonstrations, remonstrance actions. Sometimes crowd can be dangerous and have destructive character, so it is very important for everyone to know the factors that are threatening public safety at events attended by large numbers of people has been the focus of recent research on mass gatherings. There is a need to understand crowd behavior to support appropriate and timely crowd management principles in the planning and provision of emergency services at mass gatherings. This paper provides a review of the current understanding of the psychological factors in the behavior of crowds within the psychosocial domain. The aim of this work is to: ← explain the meaning of crowd ; ← describe the main characteristics of crowd ; ← classify the main types of crowd; ← describe mass behavior; The target of the work is to: ← clarify the understanding of term “crowd” and main mechanisms of mass behavior. The term “crowd” has been used in many contexts. In the literature, the terms “crowd” and “mass gathering” often are used interchangeably. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the
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