The Relationship Between Sexual Selection and Human Reporoduction. A2 Psychology Relationships Grade a

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The relationship between sexual selection and reproductive behaviour Darwin states that animals possess features that make them attractive to the opposite sex and allow them to compete better against their own sex. Any trait that enhances reproductive success will be passed down and enhanced over evolutionary time. A human example suggested by Pagel et al is the relatively hairlessness of a human beings compared with other apes, this is due to the hairless feature allowed our ancestors to keep cool as well as appearing more hygienic. This then becomes more desirable in a mate and is the result of sexual selection. There are some cases though that seems to go against this, the peacock’s tail for example. It offers no advantage and makes the peacock more noticeable to predators thus sexual selection should have resulted in the peacock’s tail dying out due to the lack of desirability. Zahavi proposed the Handicap Process in support of sexual selection. He stated that if any trait is costly but still displayed it is a sign of strength/strong genes and health. This is why peacocks have survived since showing their heavy, bright coloured tail displays attractive traits to females. A human example of this is high levels of testosterone in men, having high levels of testosterone can cause illness, so when females see males with defined jaw lines and big chests ect females are attracted to males since they can cope with the high levels of testosterone and still survive. This shows strength. Another explanation of sexual selection between genders is due to the differences in gametes (eggs and sperms). Males have millions of sperm cells, suffer little cost to reproduction and can never be sure of paternity therefore they should maximise their mating opportunity’s. Females how ever have limited numbers of eggs and have a huge investment pre and post pregnancy and are certain

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