Discuss the Relationship Between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behavior

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Discuss the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behavior ? In evolutionary terms natural selection is the process by which certain characteristics and behaviours get passed on in the gene pool because they give the individual a better chance of surviving and reproducing. Sexual selection is the process within natural selection, wherby indviduals adveritise both there own requirments in a mate and there own attractive charisitcs. Selection invilves attracting the mate with the greatest fitness whilst at the same time maxmising the chances of being fit themselves. Fitness in evolutionary terms is the abilty to reproduce and leave offspring. There are two types of sexual selection: Intersexual selection is where one sex often females chooses a partener from the avalible pool based ont eh one with the most desirable genes. Intra-sexual selection, is competition for reproductive success between member of the same se for example females are scarce resource for which males compete. The fundamental goal of human behavior is to reproduce and pass on our genes to the next generation tehrfore humun reproductive behavior had been influenced by sexual selection pressures. Evolutionary psychologists that me have enmvolved to be responsive to females who are young and attractive since these are ohysical cues to a womens reproductive value wheres women seek indicators of socio-economic stautus. This idea is supported by Buss (1989) he conducted a cross-cultural study (37 different cultures) and more than 10,000 adults investigating mating prefances . The study was in the form of a questionnaire/survey. Buss found consistent gender differnances across cultures. It found males were interested in youth and baety while females looked for wealt,staus and maturity. This study therefore supports the evolutionary perspective that males look for physical
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