Stress And Anxiety Essay

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Journal Entry 5 1.1 Explain the origins of Stress and Anxiety. When we first touched on Stress and Anxiety in the lecture I felt relieved as my previous degree actually covered this in some detail. This topic was refreshing for me as it had been a long time since I last studied it. When discussing Stress and Anxiety I feel it is important for anyone looking at it to understand its roots and why so many people can suffer from these potentially deliberating illnesses. Stress comes from any situation in which we feel frustrated, angry or anxious. Anxiety, on the other hand, comes from apprehension or fear. Stress and Anxiety, in a nutshell, stem from our bodies reaction to fear or change. Those who suffer from stress can understand their condition and find resolution in the mediums of therapy or changing certain aspects to their daily lives. Anxiety on the other hand is not something that can be treated easily as there is the potential to have larger psychological or physicals reasons for its manifestation. As mentioned in this module…show more content…
As we can see, from looking at the origin story of these conditions, Stress and anxiety are not entirely different after all. From reading through the module guide I got the impression that in many ways, anxiety may be considered long term stress, and long term stress may be a component of an anxiety disorder. Their similarities and relationships are some of the reasons that those that experience any one for a long period of time often experience the other for much longer. After reading into the relationship of the two further I was surprised to see that it is not actually 100% clear why anxiety and stress seem to contribute to each other. It is apparent that they both play vital parts in each other and show a transition line between the two but I only found that there are several proposed possibilities. The possibilities that were proposed were as
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