Ap Psychology Final Exam

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Psychology Final Exam Study Guide A. Personality is patterns of behavior like actions, feelings, thoughts, and interactions that are consistent over time and across circumstances. They are unique characteristics that account for our enduring patterns of inner experience and outward behavior. Personality theories are attempts at describing and explaining why, how, when, someone acts. They are not facts and are bound to change over time. a. Freud’s psychodynamic theory has three mental processes (conscious, preconscious, and unconscious), a structural model (id, ego, superego, reality principle), and defense mechanisms. i. Unconsciousness is out of awareness. The motivated unconscious is a purposeful exclusion of information…show more content…
Personality disorders (borderline personality disorder, anti-social personality disorder, OCD, etc.) h. Borderline personality disorder is instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, affect, and marked impulsivity. Symptoms involve avoidance of abandonment, suicidal/self-mutilating behavior, paranoia, etc. Causes include biological theories, environmental factors, and biosocial views. 23. Mental retardation (placed here for educational purposes). C. Anxiety, stress, and fear are state of unrest or alarm brought on by a situation that is perceived as threatening our safety and well-being. h. Ways of experiencing stress and anxiety: xxiv. Frustrated: goal-directed behavior is blocked. xxv. Pressured: meeting expectations, raised stakes. xxvi. Conflicted: incompatible goals or choices, difficulty with decision-making, and approach and avoidance conflicts. xxvii. Endangered: life threatening, resource insufficiency. i. The three basic components of anxious and emotional responding are physiological, cognitive, and…show more content…
Specific phobias: excessive, unrealistic fear of a specific object or situation. Sufferers of this avoid the object or situation or have intense distress while encountering it. xxix. Social phobia/social anxiety disorder: severe, persistent, and irrational fear of negative evaluation by others. xxx. Generalized anxiety disorder: persistent excessive worry over uncontrollable negative events, like health, finances, work, etc. They have apprehensive expectation and feel the need to control everything. xxxi. Panic disorder: recurrent, unexpected, uncued panic attacks. Fear of fear and agoraphobia (fear of open space you cant get out of). Treatment for this is to induce feelings of panic and then learn to tolerate it. Panic attacks last about 10 minutes. xxxii. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: obsessions are unwanted, intrusive, anxiety-producing thoughts. Compulsions are ritualistic behaviors designed to reduce or control anxiety. Symptoms are feeling excessive or unreasonable, great distress, consuming a long amount of time, and interfering with daily functions. xxxiii. Post traumatic stress disorder: extreme response to severe
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