The Future of Nanda Home

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Nanda Home: The Future Key Problem for “Nanda Home” Nanda has been a “one-woman-show” with Clocky, and has run the entirety of her business herself. While great for idea generation, Nanda’s capabilities have begun show signs of weakness during the maturation of Clocky. In my opinion, Nanda Home’s primary problem at this point is a lack of an overall marketing strategy driven by the inexperience of its owner. My plan for Nanda to continue along with her company is two-fold – hire a product marketing professional (preferably through a consulting group that specializes in this type of work) and develop a long-term marketing strategy for the company. If at all possible, negotiate a percentage of sales (or profits) deal with the project management company to ensure that only variable cost is affected. Therefore, if the new (or existing) products don’t sell, the company can continue onward without the fixed-cost burden. Action Plan for Solution Nanda needs to shift away from the short-term focus of her company and move towards a long-term strategy. Without thinking long-term, Nanda Home is doomed to fail. However, by extracting all of the possible value from her success with Clocky, and using this this to develop a more substantial product-line, Nanda can push onward. My recommendations for the market strategy are as follows: * Pricing In this phase of her company, Nanda cannot afford to lose a successful product due to internal cannibalization. The success of Clocky is a fantastic driver of sales for future product line additions. Because of this, the pricing points of Clocky, Ticky, and Tocky must be significantly separated. Because of lower marginal costs, Nanda should decrease Clocky’s price down to a level acceptable to Target’s audience and moves long-term sales to the big-box retailer – perhaps make it a Target-exclusive product to incentivize the

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