The Difference In Participating In Basketball Or G

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The Differences In Participating In Basketball Or Golf Patrick Schaler ENG121: English Composition Benjamin Daw May 17, 2010 It is a fact that not everyone has the means or the ability to play sports or exercise. The ones that can and do like to do something to relieve the stress of everyday life, or those who like to look and feel good about themselves, have some options to choose from. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the difference between choosing to play basketball or golf. We will look at the cost, the activity level, and the weather. The first choice to make when deciding on playing basketball or golf is the cost difference. The rough cost to play a round of golf as a beginner on the cheap side of things is $315.00. The average cost for a set of golf clubs ranges in price from $200.00 to $400.00. The price range for a pair of golf shoes is $49.00 to $85.00. The cost of a 12 pack of golf balls is roughly $24.99. On the other hand, to play an afternoon of basketball as a beginner, it can cost as little as $75.00. In many cases, one can find a free facility to play at and at the most one would pay is $3.00 to play for an afternoon. A pair of basketball shoes cost anywhere from $49.00 to $85.00, and the price of a basketball ranges from $15.00 to $30.00. Another difference to consider whether to play golf or basketball is what kind of activity level you’re looking for. Golf takes little activity to participate other than maybe the ability to walk for a few hours and to swing a club. You do need a lot of patience and the ability to concentrate. In basketball however, there is a lot of activity. Basketball requires a lot of running, jumping, and endurance. The final difference when considering choosing to play basketball or golf is the weather. Golf has to be played outside, so you need to make sure the

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