The Cask Of Amontillado Thesis

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Name______________________________ Period________ Write your thesis statement here. It should be one sentence and include both the name of the story and the author. Remember that the titles of short stories are indicated by quotation marks (like this: “The Cask of Amontillado”). Use the sample thesis statement on the other side as a model. Write a complete sentence that explains each of the main points you want to make in your essay to support your thesis. Point #1: Example: Direct Quote: (include page number): Point #2: Example: Direct Quote: (include page number): Point #3: Example: Direct Quote: (include page number): Name______________________________ Period________ Short Story Write rough draft in class on: Wednesday, April,…show more content…
You must include at least three direct quotes (passages copied from the story) as support for your thesis. The quotes must be properly punctuated and introduced (or set up) Include a copy of your rough draft, typed first draft, and peer edits Include a copy of the checklist Title your essay! Your title must hint at what your essay is going to be about. “Gift of the Magi Essay” is not an acceptable title, for example. “Irony in The Gift of the Magi” is an acceptable title, for example. “The Gift of Irony: Literary Devices in The Gift of the Magi” is a better title! Name______________________________ Period________ Essay Checklist ______ I have a title that hints at what my paper will be about. ______ My thesis statement appears in my introductory paragraph. ______ the author and title of the story appears in my introductory paragraph. ______ I have included at least 2* (* 3 for accelerated) direct quotations from the story and punctuated and introduced correctly. ______ I have used specific examples from the story to support my thesis ______ I do not have any run-on sentences or sentences fragments in my

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