Similarities Between Of Mice And Men

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English III General, Enriched, Honors I. Read The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Earnest Gaines and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. After reading both novels, choose one of the following themes or issues: * Loneliness * Hopes and Dreams * Dignity and Pride * The American Dream * Develop your own theme which you see in both works After choosing a theme to discuss, find an event from history that relates to your theme. Obvious choices would be the pursuit of the American Dream and the frustration slaves would have endured in not being able to pursue the American Dream. Dig deeper than the obvious. For example, you might find a specific group of immigrants and relate their frustrated American Dream to…show more content…
You should have an introductory paragraph that introduces the novels, the theme that will be discussed, and the historical connection. The last sentence of this paragraph should be your thesis that ties together the three concepts. Each of the three body paragraphs should discuss ONE of the novels OR the historical event. Each body paragraph that discusses one of the novels should include at least two quotes. The conclusion should bring the paper to a close and make your final arguments about how these three concepts work together. Your essay should be in 12-point Times New Roman, be double-spaced, and include a MLA heading. Your essay is due the first day of school. II. In addition, for Of Mice and Men, complete each sentence with the best word from the following list: symbolism, foreshadowing, allegory, colloquialism, irony. Copy/paste or write your sentences on a separate sheet of paper and these should be ready for the first day of school: The reference to rabbits, which stand for the things that George and Lennie want, is an example of the author’s use of _____. The fact that Lennie unwittingly kills things even though he is gentle and peaceful is an example of the author’s use of _____

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