Teenage Pregnancy Essay

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Adolescent Sexual Activity and Teenage Pregnancy Discuss the role of CHN in addressing the Teenage pregnancy at the 3 level of preventions in the community. The community health knowing well that one program cannot combat or address Teenage sexual activity and Pregnancy, therefore there is need for CHN to poise approach to comprehensive interventions program to address prevent pregnancy teenagers and sexual activity in the 3 levels of prevention, namely primary, secondary, and tertiary. Some strategy that would be requires are; abstinence, delayed initiation to sexual activity, and the used of contraceptive for member of the community who make it a choice as they are sexually active. Primary prevention is vital component of any intervention program but nevertheless, despite efforts to prevent teenagers pregnancy, if any girls found pregnant it is a must to make adequate provision for them to receives quality care at the appropriate designated facilities and at long term follow up be made for outcomes for both Teenagers and their child. The CHN because of the their specialty, better equipped and knowledge they have acquired, are up to this task, in assessment, health teaching, and program development with their accessibility to aggregate or population place, single them out to play paramount role in the delivery of care prior sexual activity, during contraceptive use, during pregnancy, and during long term follow up with parents and child. All needs community resources available for the 3 levels of preventions. PRIMARY PREVENTION There is no doubt that pregnancy at the earlier year of between 14 to 15 would not poise some risks on the one who is carrying the conception, but them special need for the teens, her pregnancy, and the infant should be provided. The young girls is expected to be fully mature, physically, and emotionally before nursing the thought of
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