Unit 4227 025 Question 2

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Lisa mcculloch 30/1/14 unit 25 section 2 2.1 Safeguarding children and young people is so important because how children are treated can affect them their whole lives. Every child or young person has the right to live their life without being neglected or abused in any way. We have a duty of care to protect them. If they are protected they are more likely to grow up to be well rounded confident adults. 2.2 The importance of the children and young persons centred approach is to try and stop abused children and young people falling through the cracks, this has happened in the past when people have been to different hospitals or moved house. The theory is if all the organisations that are involved in children's and young peoples lives work together abuse will be discovered quicker and support put in place hopefully stop the abuse or neglect and improve lives. 2.3 In the context of safeguarding partnership working means all agencies and professionals working together to protect the rights of children. It would bring all kinds of expertise from the nursery workers to social workers, physiotherapists, police, health visitors, GP'S, and many more. We are all responsible for safeguarding children and it is very important that we work together and communicate regularly. If a practitioner is concerned a pre CAF to decide if a full needs assessment is necessary. However some areas ignore the pre CAF The CAF covers a very wide range of needs not just for the child concerned but also their family and more. The CAF (common assessment framework) is a process where practitioners can identify a child's need early and hopefully stop it from reaching crisis point. The CAF is a request for services rather than a referral. 2.4 Social Services 1. Assess, plan and provide support to children in need, particularly those suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. 2.
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