Teen Suicide And Depression

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A Growing Problem: Teen Suicide & Depression When people think about suicide, they think about someone taking their life away on purpose, or in other words it means, “to kill one‘s self”. Suicide is a dramatic word that can change the way people view things in life. It is an event where a young one feels desperation and pain just before pulling the trigger or jumping off the bridge. Many of those who have thought about suicide or have committed suicide have done it because their life has changed in a dramatic way, depression, drug abuse, anxiety, bullying, and many are having difficulty adjusting to it. It is a time where everything seems to go wrong, and a person starts to feel empty inside. It is like a mystery that could happen to young, old, rich and poor Teen Suicide is a major killer of teenagers today. It is the third leading cause of death in all teens, ages fifteen to eighteen and the second leading cause of death in ages nineteen to twenty four. Male teens commit suicide five times greater than female teens, although suicide attempts by females are three times as frequent as male suicides. A reason for this is the method of attempted suicide for males is usually with a gun that has a seventy-eight to ninety-nine percent chance of a fatality. Females are more likely to try a different method, such as poising themselves. Females have more suicides including different methods such as drug overdose, which are usually less effective. Depression, anxiety, and drug abuse are all leading causes to teen suicide and the more society becomes involved the less teens take their own lives because they see no other way out of it Drug abuse is a leading cause of suicide in teens. Tthe pattern of drug use that diminishes the ability to fulfill responsibilities at home or at work or even school. Chronic abuse of alcohol and drugs may lead to death; About one

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