Pros of Gun Control

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When you think of gun control, you automatically think of someone trying to take away your right to express the 2nd Amendment (the right to bear arms); however, this ideal is wrong due to our lack of knowledge about the term. Gun control refers to the laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms. (In other words, they are the glue that allows us to exercise this right, but in a safe way). The term above does not lead us to do away with our democratic rights, but rather provides a protection to the lives of people in our own land. Every single day someone dies here in America due to guns, whether it is by suicide, school shootings, or just even children playing around at home with an open gun at home. (Truth is we need laws and systems like this). It is a way we can reduce the number of killings by guns in our country that happen on an everyday basis. Although the individuals in the class may not have suicidal thoughts, there are many other people who do have to endure a daily struggle of debating whether or not to take their own life away. Whether we believe it or not, our youth is killing themselves and the leading way is by guns. There is an estimation of 41,149 suicidal deaths each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Suicidal deaths with firearms are ranked higher in comparison to homicides, which are ranked 2:1. So many of these suicides could be prevented by households leaving their guns outside of the house or tucked away in hard to reach places. In states where gun control is not monitored as much, rates of suicide were higher; for example, Wyoming reported that in the 63% of households that contained guns, the suicidal rates were higher than in those houses that did not contain guns. These suicide rates could be lowered if Americans were educated in the awareness about the

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