Teaching Assistant Level Three Assignment One Paper

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Answer one Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with child and young people so they feel secure within school and so they can come to you and ask questions or come to you with issues which could regard safeguarding, effective communication is also important so that every child feels welcome and valued within the school. Effective communication is important in developing positive relationship with adults is important as this helps maintain a positive learning environment that benefits pupils, parents and staff. Having positive working relationships will also reflect the schools aims such as providing a caring environment that shows cooperation and respect for other people. Answer two The principles of relationship building are; * Always remember the pupils name and pronounce them correctly. * Being approachable and willing to listen to pupils. * Listening and responding to pupils in ways which let the pupil feel they are understood * Giving time to pupils as individuals within school * Avoiding stereotype judgement’s about individual pupils concerning race, gender, ability, religion. * Getting pupils own explanation concerning behaviour before criticising them this means do not jump to conclusions. * Communicating with pupils in a sensitive way, not to interrupt them rudely or talk over them. * Showing pupils that they are valued and important people. * Being alert to pupils feelings. * Looking at the world from a pupils point of view. Answer three Social and cultural background affects relationships and how people communicate because the way we react to a situation to these people could be seen as unacceptable. Professional background affects relationships and how people communicate because as a teaching assistant you have to be professional with school to pupils parents and staff. Answer

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