Parental Involvement in Schools

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PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOLS SAYLENDRA KUMAR [B.ed] MALOLO, NADI, FIJI ISLANDS The Benefit of School Parental Involvement Policy Having a School Parental Involvement Policy has a lot of benefits. A policy of this nature recognizes that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning. Thus it becomes evident that School Parental Involvement Policy can be used to encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education at school. Having a school parental involvement policy will help establish and sustain a positive learning culture and a welcoming school environment. This will give parents a sense of purpose and belonging as their input will be welcomed, respected, and valued. Having a school parental involvement policy will promote positive attitudes towards school. It will provide opportunities to enrich the learning experience of the child, bringing together the resources of home and school. As a result there is less likelihood of the child noticing conflict between home and school. This will be because the parent and teacher will be seen to be working toward the same ends, although at times from different perspectives. The school parental involvement policy provides a platform where every parent is to given equal priority and this consequently removes discriminatory and cultural barriers. The Benefits of Parental Involvement in Schools Parents’ help in the school is extremely valuable, whether it is within the class or to the school as a whole. Education research repeatedly documents that parent and community involvement in education contributes to students’ academic success. According to Henderson & Berla, (1995) & National PTA (1998) “When parents are involved, students achieve more, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/racial background, or the parents' education level”. The communication, trust
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