Classroom Problems

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Regardless of our efforts as teachers to create a contributory classroom environment, to help students to learn in a class where all learners are actively engaged in productive activities and feel psychologically safe, some students will sometimes engage in undesirable behavior who may interfere with our teaching and the student learning. Problem behavior or misbehavior is any action that can obstruct learning or put the physiological safety of the students and his peers in danger. (Ormrod, n.d) Learners’ behavior problem such as rudeness to the instructor, talking out of turn, furthermore annoying classmates etc.… varies from minor disruption that can be ignored to a major one, that is more serious, as they for sure interfere with our learning…show more content…
This means dealing with a variety of problems that occur in the classroom. A good teacher must be able to find solutions. Work to create a more productive environment for both. The following will outline the most common strategies to deal with classroom problems: Prevention: Is one of the best strategies it’s a way to deal with behavior problem before it even happens. In this case, teacher should always be prepared, has consistently and clear rules, try her best to create a good relationship with her students. Moreover, keeping learners busy and interested, as well as avoiding frustration due to hard lessons, help to minimize disruption. Verbal Cues: Some misbehavior just needs the use of non-verbal cues by the teacher to avoid disruption. Using eye contact with a misbehaving learner may be enough to stop them engaging in an unwanted behavior. Moving closer to a student may also be effective. Come up with hand signals that give the learner an alert to stop talking instead of raising your voice to gain the desired behavior. Discuss these cues with your students before you apply them in order to know exactly what they mean and how the student should react to them. (Psychology Campus,…show more content…
Students who feel they are in the presence of an educator are less likely to misbehave than those who assume they are not being watched. It is recommended that the teacher constantly circulates throughout the classroom to check on students' progress and give quiet suggestions in the event anyone is struggling with their work. This keeps children focused on the task at hand and keeps them from falling victim to distractions that cause misbehavior. Role model: Educator should model an appropriate behavior toward her students, attempt to be careful not to send vague messages to them about the behavior she expect. If you indicate impatience, if you are unable to consider your students' feelings, or you have quick anger manners, it is tricky for the class to show the positive behaviors you ask them for. Try to present a high level of patience, organization, and energy. Whether you expect your learners to utilize low voices, you must speak at that volume also. Staying calm, cool, and collected is the
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